Student Success in Large Enrollment STEM Gateway Courses

Karen Sirum, Learning Assistants Program Facilitator, Associate Professor and Associate Chair of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University

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Karen Sirum

Dr. Karen Sirum is Learning Assistants Program Facilitator, Associate Professor and Associate Chair of Biological Sciences at Bowling Green State University. As a Science Faculty member with an Education Specialty (SFES), her Biology Education Research and Development program centers around questions about how best to bring scientific thinking skills and scientific literacy to all students, not only science majors. To reach this goal there are four components to her research program:

1. Designing, adapting, and implementing scientific teaching and learning strategies, including active learning and inquiry lab experiences, for gateway Biological Sciences courses to promote scientific thinking skills.

2. Designing and utilizing assessment strategies to measure development of students' scientific thinking skills.

3. Establishing and developing Scientific Teaching Learning Communities, to open and sustain a dialogue that allows scientists to approach their teaching as they do their research, based on the evidence of how people learn.

4. Preparing future faculty for participation in the scholarship of teaching and learning.